Being that i am the Arbiter of Voracious Testicles, I am going to use some of that proverbial cojones to blog not about Bob. Well, not specifically. I am quite sure in his pursuit of immeasurable wealth by trampling pions, pawns, and minions, Bob has in fact been the culprit of the crime of which I shall now finally speak.... of.
The button at the cross-walk does NOT give you control of the intersection! Pushing it incessantly for 3 minutes will not make the little white light man appear any faster. The button's sole purpose is to alert the system that a pedestrian is present and requires a turn next signal cycle. No matter how many times you jam your greasy little round finger in that small yellow indentation at the middle of the button, you do not have the power to speed up the process.
And its not just the uneducated masses of LA who believe they have the earth-shattering power to control not only their stoplight but the six others that it is connected to, but highly educated people in mildly successful positions are also perpetrators. I was walking to lunch with a co-worker who must have pushed the button 67 times while waiting 30 seconds for the light to change. I said, "why are you doing that? That is annoying. And its not going to do anything." He says, "It's a nervous habit." I say, "What the fuck does that mean? What if i have a nervous habit of punching you in the chest every 5 seconds? Does that validate my action as anything less than complete ignorance and disrespect?"
I Think not. Good Day.
I endorse this product and/or service. This falls into a similar category with the people who approach an elevator, see you've already pushed the button to call it, yet push it again. Y'know...just to be sure.