Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Eagle Poster incident

Before I moved to California I had a pretty cushy gig. I had essentially carved a niche for myself doing anything vaguely related to Marketing or Advertising, in addition to hiring and training new employees.

But we only had about 100 employees, so our Marketing and Advertising needs were pretty minimal. I had a lot of free time, to say the least, and my boss knew it so he would send me on various errands or find bizarre tasks since I wasn't doing much else anyway. I couldn't complain because, like I said, I had a cushy gig, and my boss was cool as hell so I didn't mind occasionally having to tile his kitchen floor* or something equally weird.

One day, I got a call at my desk.

"You know those motivational posters?"


"Make me one with an eagle on it that says, 'Take that which comes against you and use it to lift you higher.'"


"Don't print it or anything, I just want to have it on file in case we need it."


Seriously. Just like that, I had a new task at hand. So I spent the rest of the day looking for just the right eagle knowing full well that we would never spend the money on printing this bizarre idea and that in all honesty my boss would probably have forgotten about it by tomorrow.

But oh, the magic I worked was truly awe-inspiring.


*For real. I tiled his kitchen floor.

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